Monday, January 5, 2009


The urge to create a blog has interested me recently. What do people talk about? How do they keep up with others this way? What makes them want to submerge themselves into the lives of other people?

These questions as well as the many topics arising in my head to discuss have led me here to this place to begin this adventure. I don't really seek the approval of anyone in creating this extension of myself: I simply want a place to pour out the inner-workings of my mind for my sanity. Putting my thoughts into words might help me to reach conclusions I wouldn't have been offered otherwise.

Some people blog to keep family updated on certain life activities and some might have nothing better to do with their time than rant and rave about life's lemons. Others have different motivations that can only be explained as "personal". I think of myself falling into this last category. I don't have any specific agenda in beginning. I DO have a hefty list of things to do these next few months, so the reasoning is not for the lack of better things to do. As I've said, it's personal.

Sigh. Now, with all of that said, I believe it is appropriate to explain the meaning of the title. There is only one person that I can name who can fulfill every single need in my life: Jesus Christ. If you are still with me up to this point, I have to say: yes, EVERY NEED. love, joy, peace, comfort, knowledge, guidance, promises that are kept to prove the simple point of life. JC died for my sins. He saved me from eternal separation to the One who brings me life. Only He can suffice (anyone see a life theme here?!)

1 comment:

  1. i love how you explained your title. you know when you "helped" me name my andineverwantednothingmore one i went on to explain it...

    it's only fitting. people need to know! glad to see i found this though
