Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Poor Toe!

This weekend, I got to travel over 500 miles around the eastern side of Texas.  The main intent was to see these two handsome people get married:

(sorry for the blur)
Success!  Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Craig Jennings! 

On Friday night, I went to Dallas to stay with my sister and her husband.  Saturday morning, I walk from their kitchen table into their couch (ouch, there was definitely a crack there...) and into the kitchen.  This was a complete accident, I promise.  I apologize for the next photos...and the gross toe nails.  I need a pedicure badly (anyone want to help a sister out?!?!).

Saturday night.

Sunday night.

Back in the 7th or 8th grade, I broke this same toe.  And I had a cast up to my knee (growth plate stuff) for over a month.  Now look what I've gone and messed up.  According to my mom, I should never walk around barefoot because this is what happens.  Hopefully, the doctor will be able to see me tomorrow and i will know if it is indeed broken.  Until then, I now know not to wear 3" black heels for over 5 hours.  I will be the one limping into work tomorrow does a baby toe hurt so stinking bad?!

Again, apologies for the pictures.  It wasn't really my best weekend behind the lens...

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